Trust is an American anthology drama television series created by Simon Beaufoy that premiered on March 25, 2018 on FX. It is set in 1973 and recounts the abduction of John Paul Getty III, then-heir to Getty Oil, while he was in Italy.

For this social media campaign I worked with B-roll clips of the actors hanging out in the mansion where they shot the series. The goal was to replicate the 8mm film style of the time while working with digital footage. Accelerated frame rate, light leaks, jumpy footage, all animated by hand to create these warm and oldschool clips. There are also two cinemagraphs I created that I am really proud of; they loop perfectly and make a lot of sense once you’ve watched the series. Le calme avant la tempête.

CLIENT: Watson DG / FX Networks


Nadia McGuire - Identity


Hommage Jean Duceppe - Video Projection